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Call for Posters

ACM AsiaCCS 2024 will include a poster session to provide a forum for sharing the interesting result of a preliminary work, or a cool idea that is currently working on. The presenters can have a chance to get feedback from world-wide attendees.

Authors are invited to submit a short proposal that describes the main contributions of the poster. Proposals should contain a brief abstract, demonstrate the motivation for the work, and summarize contributions being presented. Preliminary results may also be included. The proposal should clearly state the difference between the work that will be presented and any previous work or the work under submission on the same topic.

Poster proposals must follow the latest ACM Sigconf style conference template only (available here) with 3 pages maximum including title, abstract, content, and any references. Proposals are not blinded, and must contain the authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information. All poster titles must begin with the keyword “POSTER:”. Submissions that are not formatted as described above risk rejection without review.

The submitted proposals will be evaluated primarily on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and promote collaborations. The accepted posters will be included in the same proceedings of the main conference published in ACM digital library. At least one presenter per accepted poster must register for the conference.

Authors of accepted poster proposals need to prepare the poster in PDF format (36×48 inches) and bring a physical poster to the conference venue. Tripods will be provided to display all accepted posters.

  • Binbin Chen (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
  • Anh Dinh (Deakin University, Australia)
  • Submission deadline: February 26 March 2, 2024 (AoE)
  • Author notification: March 26, 2024
  • Camera-ready poster proposals: April 16, 2024

For any questions related to poster proposal submissions, please contact the poster chairs at